'My Future Club' is an after school club where children meet visitors from a wealth of different backgrounds and occupations.
Run in a relaxed and informal setting they begin to build a fuller picture of what life outside school is like!
Journalist Simon Hacker 'My Future Club' guest says -
"There can be a spin-off benefit from presenting your career to a bunch of uninhibited and openly curious children: they may well ask you "obvious" questions, questions which you've perhaps forgotten to ask yourself. Such as "What's the best aspect of your job?", or "Why did you want to do this?". Children offer you the opportunity to view your own life from their fresh perspective. It can be challenging and provocative, as much as it might ever be reaffirming. And all in all, far cheaper than going to see an overpaid life coach!"
Why is this needed - Recommendations of the CBI Education Report (November 2012 click here to read the full report)
Schools need to harness parental involvement more effectively
It is up to the wider community – including business – to step up to the mark and support schools where they need role models, advice or experience
Adoption by schools of a strategy for fostering parental engagement and wider community involvement, including links with business
A new commitment for a strategic, systematic and long-term engagement by business to a needs-led school programme, focused on raising aspiration and attainment
The activity responds to Cabinet Office research that showed- "Ten year olds who know people from four or more different jobs are more likely to be employed later in life." The process is simple, cheap and sustainable and brings parents and business volunteers into your school. It involves twilight training for school staff responsible for after school activity in the use of a resource pack that mobilises a squad of interested parents and businesses.
A series of five or more sessions is run across any school term. Sessions can be held in primary schools or in a secondary school willing to host training and after school sessions for partner primary schools. Secondary school student ambassadors can take a leading role in hosting sessions for primary school visitors. On completion of the first round of Future Clubs we offer light touch support for schools to sustain the activity independently.
To find out how to set up and run your own 'My Future' Club contact polly@myfuturemychoice.co.uk
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