A partnerships with Engineers, Poets, Film Makers, Radiio Broadcasters, Journalists and Social Entrepenuers across Bristol that have been building events in Bristol on board the MV Balmoral over the last five years to celebrate the pioneers of the Windrush Generation.
The project has produced an extensive bank of free learning resources for KS1/2 /3. These include a short animation that sets the scene for primary school pupils. These resources invite discussion aimed at producing anti-racists citizens while covering aspects of a school's curriculum.
The project was funded by Royal Academy of Engineering to run workshops until 1st March 2022 that explore engineering in relation to migration, global trade and travel this led to the creation of the Crossing Coats Card Pack and the advocacy support for victims of the Windrush Generations.
Latest event on the ship -
Learning resources that weave empathy with migrant populations and anti racism into standard Primary School curriculum topics.
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