A pack of 52 Cards that represent some real women in engineering working in the South West of the UK today
Young people working with Imayla take a boat trip around Bristol's Floating Harbour and test out a learning resource onboard the MV Balmoral
Year 10 students from Lees Brook Community School and Chellaston Academy exploring the Lifting And Access Industry
Families board a boat in Bristol to explore cranes, winches, pulleys, hydraulics and robotics
Crane manufacturers Liebherr sponsor the Lifting Aspirations Programme at Vertikal Days, the largest lifting and access industry trade show in the UK held at the Siverstone Curcuit. Two days of workshops held fro Year 10 students from the Slvestone Circuit UTC
Working from a ship under the historic Cargo Cranes in Bristol's Floating Harbour students built Cranes, visited demonstrations of robotics and machines that give mechanical advantage. They also went up and operated a real crane high above the ship.
60 students explore lifting technology, robotics and bio mechanics while building their own robotic arm from card, syringes, plastic tubing, paper clips and split pins.
Students from Primary and Secondary Schools exploring engineering and working in teams to build a working crane
Hundreds of children across Bristol used MV Balmoral as a floating classroom during National Science Week 2016 to learn about hydraulics, pneumatics and pulley systems.
Shield Road Primary on board a ship under the Cargo Cranes with M Shed Volunteers. Supported by Speedy Services analyse
Engineering workshops on board a 1950s inshore passenger vessel exploring cranes. For Primary and Secondary schools funded by Heritage Lottery
Schools complete 'Lifting Aspirations' workshops at an industry trade fair and visit the largest display of lifting and access technology in the UK.
Crane workshops for schools on-board the historic passenger vessel The Balmoral
A week of engineering workshops for primary schools in and around Bath and Bristol with a public engagement event at Green Park Station
Schools and families take part in an immersive experience with the lifting and access engineering industry. Exploring the heritage of the technology in the region with the working machines at the M Shed Museum and the future for the sector with engineering ambassadors. learning outcomes and the fun of engineering are combined in a practical competition to build and operate a robotic arm.
Workshops supported by the Lifting and Access Industry that explore engineering principals with real engineers. Students complete crane build and operate challenges and discover modern technology to contextualise the science curriculum.
Building relationships with the Lifting and Access industry sector at their largest trade fair in the UK and Ireland.
A three day celebration of Stockton's engineering heritage and future on the famous Tees Barrage
A practical crane design and building project for 8-11 or 11 to 14 year olds. Science and Engineering principles, industrial heritage, identity and future aspirations.